Custom quota logic training

Custom quota logic training

Custom Quota Logic allows users to apply quotas and terminations to prequalification questions and the first three standard survey questions.

rate limit

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About this course

Custom logic allows users to build their own quotas outside of Demographic and Geographic traits that already exist on the Target Market page, and expands the ability to terminate respondents by allowing users to apply terminate logic either within the prequalification questions or the first three standard survey questions.  

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Identify when to use quota and terminate logic
  • Implement custom quota and terminate logic

About this course

Custom logic allows users to build their own quotas outside of Demographic and Geographic traits that already exist on the Target Market page, and expands the ability to terminate respondents by allowing users to apply terminate logic either within the prequalification questions or the first three standard survey questions.  

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Identify when to use quota and terminate logic
  • Implement custom quota and terminate logic